Anytime I feel homesick for NY and NJ I head to Baltimore to get my “Italian on” as I like to say. This morning my friend and our girls headed out to the Italian Bakery Vaccaro,s in Baltimore which is located in the heart of Little Italy (
www.Vaccarospastry.com). This little shop is a staple of Charm City, has been there since 1956 and was even featured on Homicide: Life on the Streets. We hardly noticed the rain outside the window while surrounded by the old time charm that is reminiscent of our grandmother’s kitchen. The Bakery is a mix of modern conveniences and art deco décor with dazzling chandlers and plasma TV’s. However it was not the modern flare that overwhelmed me at Vaccaro’s but the warm friendly charm of Nick Vaccaro. Our feet barely crossed the threshhold before Nick whisked my daughter away behind the counter promising her as many pink cookies as she could eat. Being in Vaccaros reminded me of going to Italian Bakeries, Delis and Restaurants with my grandmother as a child. I remember Grandma prattling on in Italian surrounded by fantastic smells of Biscuits and Navali. But it was always the hospitality of these Mom and Pop establishments that I found to be the most memorable. Although Italians are known for their food it is the feeling of welcome that one receives that is the hallmark of these wonderful places. This type of hospitality is akin to the good service that you get at Nordstrom’s—but sadly is dying out in our society. Unfortunately, hospitality has the potential to disappear altogether before it is transferred to my daughter’s generation. Nevertheless, for a brief moment I was transferred back to that old time charm as we warmed our tummies with cappuccino the size of a fish bowl cascading with whipped cream, and discussed life, children, and the world at large. Nick Vaccaro's generosity towards our daughters was not lost on us. When we left Nick’s shop our hands were laden with Italian cookies and cannoli to share with our entire family and plenty of good stories. When you walk in the door at Vaccaros time is suspended as you enjoy the overall experience. It is funny that with all the modern conveniences of today it is really the old time charm and hospitality that resonates with the heart. For a brief moment this charm of Baltimore made me feel like family, and that warms my heart almost as much as the cappuccino on a rainy day.
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