My greatest challenge is only a week away. Here is the update on my torn rotator cuff and my torn ligament. The pain in my shoulder has come back with a vengeance and the Doctor says I can’t wait until September to do the surgery so July 2nd is D-day. I was pretty scared up until yesterday because my surgery has the potential to be tougher then any marathon or triathlon I have ever done. Loosing the use of your right arm is basically loosing your freedom (not something I cope really well with). Loosing my independence is a pretty scary proposition with 3 small children and no family to help. The best case scenario is that my right arm will be in a sling for 3 days with a month recovery but the more likely scenario is that I will be in a sling for 4 to 5 weeks. Nevertheless I am sure that I will come through this event with flying colors. I am lucky to know such great people and I have a warrior spirit that will not allow me to give up: Age, Flexibility, family genetics, and being in good health are also positives on my side. Over all, I believe that the Universe is compassionate and right about now I am so happy that my 8 year old son Alex knows how to make French toast because we will be eating an awful lot of it. He is such a big help and I must never forget my wonderful husband. As I watched the remake of the Karate Kid last night I was reminded that the greatest asset of a human being is the ability to get back up when they fall down. The next few weeks will be a testament to living that truth and I know the help will come when I most need it.
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