Miracles are not some random events that happened thousands of years ago in the Bible or in some other ancient text, like the parting of the red sea. Miracles are the soft whispers of God that happen in any given moment. They are the moments where we connect to everything around us and they are as plentiful as the sands on the sea shore. I have had many of these encounters in the last couple of days—in fact I have them everyday—and every time I meet someone. I just have to slow up, be present, and surrender to the moment. Miracles happen in the normal course of life as I am going about shopping in the food store or speaking on the telephone. I have found that any meeting that I have with another person is a chance meeting with God—no matter how brief. Yesterday I went up to Edgar in Trader Joes to thank him because he had told me with such conviction that my operation was going to be all right. He had told me this while loading my groceries in the car. Then there was Pat at Safeway that reassured me that I was a good Mom when Athena was wailing (to my embarrassment) at the top of her lungs in Safeway because she wanted me to buy her candy and I had said “No.” I was so happy that the universe had sent me a special Angel to tell me to hang in there. The Universe is like a pipeline and the God moments just keep coming like rushing water. Next, I was in the wine store buying a bottle of wine. I talked to the gentleman who is a retired police officer about children. He got an old faded picture out of his wallet and showed me his 3 grown children and regaled me about their lives and how one is even living in California these days. He had 2 sons and a daughter just like me and it was as if he was saying it was going to be all right. See I had 3 kids and they survived and you can do it too with your 3 kids. As I looked into the Gentleman’s eyes I could tell this was a special moment I was sharing with him and that it was more important then the wine I was buying. After we spoke he came from behind the counter and held Athena up so she could feed the fish in the tank. This was a Wow moment and I would have missed it if I was going too fast. But these moments don’t stop—they just keep on coming and I have another ten stories just like them that happened all on the same day. All of these moments are Miracles. These moments when people see me and I really see them are sacred. They happen with perfect strangers, friends, acquaintances, reminding us that there is no separation. We are just one big happy family. In those moments we stop and visit as if we are old friends catching each other up on what we have missed even if we have just met 10 seconds before.