In that vain, I set about to embark on a proverbial out with the OLD and in with the NEW attitude. But that did not work so well. I got real caught up in the OUT with the old and never got to the in with the NEW. The issue was I was carrying too much unresolved baggage from the old year. On December 31st I was still clamoring around trying to stop the hemorrhaging from 2010 instead of cutting everything loose. I had not started to think about the New Year back in November 2010 (when I should have been planning) and here it was and I was still thinking reactionary. As I sifted through the old Christmas gifts that I had not sent out in time, the old year journal that had not been completed, the clutter in the house—I became consumed in all the previous broken dreams instead of seeing that it had actually turned 2011 on the calendar. I will start 2011 next week I told myself optomistically. I just need to wrap up this project and then I can start anew. Soon, life began to pass me by: January 2nd came and went, my birthday, January 15th and then I looked up and it was already February and Valentines was here. Oh my God! What have I done with my life? It is already Valentines Day and I have failed to welcome in 2011.
It occurred to me that Clean breaks and thinking proactively to the future is very important. I remember reading about Thomas Edison with my son Zefram. Thomas Edison was an incredible man who changed the world with the illumination of the electric light bulb. One day Edison’s entire workshop burned to the ground. He commented that the fire had consumed all of his mistakes. Although many people would have been devastated by loosing all the OLD stuff it allowed him the opportunity to make a clean break and embrace the NEW like you should do on New Years. Sometimes we need clean breaks in life. 2011 is here like it or not. I need to embrace it even though it is the middle of February. Becoming the person that I am meant to be starts with having a great present moment, as Wayne Dyer so eloquently said. So I am going to start embracing the idea of 2011 in this moment. For me, in this very minute, it is 2011. Blessed be.
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