On the way back from my run, I saw a flock of Robins. I was running up an incline and breathing rather hard, but as soon as I saw the birds my spirits burst with merriment. Robins are the first bird of spring in the Northeast and this was the first sighting. I couldn’t wait to get home and tell my family what I had seen. The Robin is such a special bird. The migration of the Robin is a clear symbol that winter is drawing to a close. Like the crocuses and the daffodils they are a living testament that rebirth is in the air and spring fireworks are right around the corner. In an era where we try to predict the weather, the Robins seem to have the inside track. Seeing the Robin as a symbol for spring made me consider the true symbols for unity that brings all of humanity together. Most of them are found in nature, like the Robin. The more enduring promises of hope and unity for the world can be seen in the simple things; the warmth of the sun, the water, the moon and the stars. Maybe this is why China chose to bring the world together at the Beijing Olympics in a metaphorical birds nest. Having a civilization that has been around for over 4,000 years they have come to honor nature in their everyday lives. Zen, Taoism, and Confucianism all honor and revere nature. Our family is making a concerted effort to enjoy the subtle things in life that can only be found in nature. Right now, my husband has started his seedlings in the basement. Each day it is marvelous to wake-up and walk down stairs to inventory the astronomical advancements that these seeds in the dirt have made overnight. Nature teaches us so much about calmness, and mysticism, and beauty. It even gives us greater insight into our own soul. One may argue that it is the true kiss of the Devine. When we get so busy on our cell phones, our to-do list and TV it is helpful to take a deep breath, drink in the air and look at the sky for a moment in thanksgiving. So often we discount nature in our lives, but it is the living breathing source that ties us all together.
Hello! :)