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Monday, February 23, 2009

Sunday Church or Company

This morning I woke up with angst in my heart. I wanted to go to church and the emotion was like fire in my chest. Ever since I have started down my spiritual journey the feeling of communing with others has become part of my makeup and my daily routine. I could not understand the overwhelming desire but the craving for spiritual fulfillment was akin to a thirsty traveler looking for a refreshing glass of water. The struggle was that we had company overnight stay at the house—They were close friends that we rarely get to see. What to do? This was certainly a dilemma. I did not want to insult our company, and I certainly did not want to insult my husband—after all Lee and Scott had known each other for 25 years. But something in my heart needed to go.

At 5:30AM I got up and made pancakes and fruit salad for breakfast and set the table; then discreetly retired to my bedroom to get dressed for church. Scott came to check on me several minutes later. When he saw that I was getting ready for church he was obviously upset. “We have company,” he said. “How are you going to explain this to your son, that our company is not important? We always tell Alex that he needs to stay at home when he has company. You are not practicing what you preach.” What my husband was saying had merit. I thought deeply about what he said and answered, “I would tell him, that God comes first, then family, then friends, and work.” I tried to reassure Scott that I was not trying to insult him or anyone else.

Several minutes later I reappeared in the kitchen to finish with the breakfast preparations. Tina (Lee’s wife) looked at me for a moment and asked where I was going. I told her to church as I cut the food on my son’s plate and tried to avoid her eyes. Then I lifted my eyes and took a deep breath and asked her, “would you like to come with me?” she said, “Yes, but I have nothing to wear. I will feel uncomfortable in Jeans.” “I’ll change into Jean’s if you come with me,” I smiled. OK—came the response, so off I bounded to the bedroom with a bounce in my step. I was going to church and everything had worked out. It was the second time in my life that I have ever worn Blue Jeans to church. But I don’t think that wearing jeans offends God and more importantly, I got to go to church with my friend.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Jena, Your posts are so awesome. I have sat here for about a 1/2 hour not being able to pull myself away from reading them. THIS COULD BE A BEST SELLING BOOK!!!

    Good job with the jeans!! God doesn't care what you wear as long as you come! I hope you put on some nice comfortable sneakers, too!!

    Love yah,
    Lisa :)
